love letters to my wife

Love letters to my wife cause it's never too early to tell her I love her.

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

I have taught school for over thirty years always in the inner city and for the most part always upper grade students. I have two children and I have been married for twenty years.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Love is like a river. Sometimes the current is strong. Other times it's weak. Once in awhile it gets passionate and floods the countryside. Other times it swallows its pride and lets the banks and sand bars diminish it. The river goes on, drying up and refilling itself, gaining incredible strength.

No one can stay in love forever. We have our weak points, our ego blasters, our simple pride. But, Deborah, our love has lasted many years and yet it grows stronger, like the river gaining strength from the snow packs melting into it as we speak.

As the water rises, so does our passion. As the water gains strength, so does our love.

The river's current is our current, too, and just thinking about it makes me fall more in love with you. (Sorry, the rhyme was unintentional.)

Love forever and always, Michael


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